Sunday, April 1, 2012


So I am just crazy enough to spend my Sunday off doing some inventory of a few things to see what I have.  And apparently Husband is just that kind of crazy also!

Despite the almost 9 hour day on call yesterday, I set out to make an inventory of our medical supplies, and Husband brought our food stores into the house from the way detached garage, and our tactical supplies so we could inventory that too.

It has taken all day, but presto!  I have 2 new spreadsheets listing all we have in those catagories.  Now we can use them to figure out what else we need that we don't have yet.  Like shelves to store this stuff on....

That'll work

Husband and I decided, quite separately, that we needed to re-start our "prepping" again after spending 2 nights watching "Doomsday Preppers".  I think I talked about it in my last post, and it's something we used to do...well...we didn't call it prepping, we thought of it more as self-sufficiency, and it extended more to gardening and canning than bunker building.  But we were always playing a game where we'd ask each other how we would defend our home or hide our heat emissions from others and stuff like that.

I guess we feel that safe is always better than sorry.

Just wish we won that megaball jackpot so we could get some shelves....

Cool!  Now I know what to do with our empty wine bottles!

Remember, it's just a ride.


  1. Yeah... If some sort of disaster happened I doubt I'd be prepared. No idea what I have stocked in the house. ._.

  2. I'm not prepared at all. I figure if bad stuff goes down, I'll just go crash at someone else's house. So, you know, if the zombie apocalypse hits and your doorbell rings... don't, uh, shoot me...
