Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July to all!

Blow up things for Freedom!

Looking forward to a big bbq with my family, and lighting things on fire later on tonight.  This afternoon we're going to head into our little town because every 4th of July weekend is also "Cherrry Days"  here in Paonia.  There's a big carnival with rides and music, and our favorite brewry is having a blues guitarist.  So we'll park the kids on the rides and go have a brewsky and listen to some good music!

Revolution Brewery

Husband and I already started enjoying our weekend yesterday when we took the dogs for a hike.  For those of you who are from Colorado, I hope my pictures did it justice!

Remember, it's just a ride.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god. GORGEOUS mountains.
    The only views here are houses, trees, and road. :(
